Welcome to the Norwich Township Firefighter’s IAFF Local 1723 website. Local 1723 is an AFL-CIO-affiliated labor union. Local 1723 has a proud tradition of being the exclusive bargaining agent representing the members of the Norwich Township Fire Department. Local 1723 is currently 90 members strong. Our members are dedicated to protecting the lives and property of the citizens of Norwich Township, Brown Township, and the City of Hilliard located within Franklin County, Ohio.
Norwich Township Firefighters, Local 1723
The IAFF Center of Excellence for Behavioral Health Treatment and Recovery is a one-of-a-kind addiction treatment facility specializing in PTSD for IAFF members – and IAFF members only – who are struggling with addiction, PTSD other related behavioral health challenges to receive the help they need in taking the first steps toward recovery. It is a safe haven for members to talk with other members who have faced or overcome similar challenges.
Shift Schedule
Norwich Township Fire Fighters
I.A.F.F. Local 1723
P.O. Box 5
Hilliard, Ohio 43026